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Dace Cad



CEO & Headmaster of the NETOS Training Program

After a tough start, and yet unyielding, Dace Cad noticed the greatness of New Eden and the opportunities EVE provides it's players, as well as the difficult and seemingly steep learning curve and little-to-no information provided by the game it's self.


Having (in real life) experience in education, Dace Cad soon developed a thorough and successful way to pass key knowledge on to willing new Capsuleers (in-game characters) in a seamless manner.

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Lessons are delivered in a clear fashion and the program is streamlined across 5 weeks in a way that activities between lessons show the Capsuleer the value and use of the lesson material covered.


NETOS makes use of Discord voice communication in English,

and some lessons are done via share-screen for clarity.


Trainees enjoy:

  • The company of experienced Teachers who deliver lessons in a patient, clear, and thorough fashion.

  • Lucrative activities to practice what has been learned and start filling their pockets.

  • As safe of an environment possible in a universe such as New Eden.

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