Lessons are delivered in System and in person through a Fleet. Throughout and between Lesson we practice the subject matter to show the Capsuleer the value and use of the Lesson material covered.
NETOS Lessons make use of Discord voice communication in English,
and some Lessons are done via share-screen for clarity.
Participants enjoy:
The company of experienced Teachers who deliver lessons in a patient, clear, and thorough fashion.
Lucrative activities to practice what has been learned and start filling their pockets.
A more personal level of info delivery and a more laid back approach than what can be expected from being a member in an established Corp.

Dace Cad
CEO & Headmaster of the NETOS Training Program
After a tough start, and yet unyielding, Dace Cad noticed the greatness of New Eden and the opportunities EVE provides it's players, as well as the difficult and seemingly steep learning curve and little-to-no information provided by the game it's self.
Having (in real life) experience in education, Dace Cad soon developed a thorough and successful way to pass key knowledge on to willing new Capsuleers (in-game characters) in a seamless manner.

Why does NETOS do this?
NETOS's goal is 2 part.
New Capsuleers receive the instruction needed to do all the basics. This in turn allows them to make a more educated decision on what they want to do and how to do it, as well as promoting new-player retention.
Established Corps no longer have to dedicate time and effort to go over the tedious endeavor of training a new recruit, or subjecting a new recruit to random snippets of info whilst engaging them with activities they may not yet be suited for, or even worse, neglecting them entirely to do menial tasks within the Corp until they are deemed up-to-par.

Why isn't NETOS in an Alliance?
NETOS is an unbiased and unaffiliated entity. This ensures Trainees are not pressured or "steered" towards any specific destination besides the one the Trainee chooses for themselves based on the knowledge acquired.
Also, being part of a larger Alliance could place NETOS at war for a prolonged time and jeopardize our promise to provide the safest environment possible in New Eden.
Although the final stage of the Training Program subjects the Trainee to temporary Factional Warfare enlistment, this is done after they have covered all relevant material and are conscious of what their war enlistment entails and what to expect.
The Training Program and short duration of the Corp's enlistment in Caldari Militia maintains full objectivity throughout and ensures a Trainee's Factional Standings aren't at risk.
In any case, NETOS's impartial stance allows us to provide our Training services to all Corps and has a system in place to offer these. If you are interested in making use of our services, please contact us through our in-game channels all accessible in-game through our Corp's Info Window.
All images are taken by Dace Cad from in-game experiences and are unedited.